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DevOps for small / medium web apps - Part 7 - Speeding up CI / CD pipeline


  1. Introduction
  2. Deployment Docker image
    1. Docker repository creation
    2. Docker image project
    3. Pipeline update
  3. Parallelization


Until now we have been focusing on adding new functionalities to our application (HTTPS and centralized logs). However, in doing so we have slowed down substantially our CI / CD pipeline, as it now takes about one hour to complete the full process.

The goal of this tutorial part is to focus on this slow pipeline problem and to find ways to accelerate it.

Note: you can find the source code containing the modifications described in this part in the folders “sample-app/version6” and “deployment-toolbox/version1”.

Deployment Docker image

The slowest stage of our pipeline is the one responsible for deployment, and its first task is to download and install tools. It usually takes several minutes to complete and unnecessarily wastes resources such as network bandwidth.

A way to speed up this first task is to create our own Docker image, and then use it in our pipeline.

Docker repository creation

The first step is to create a repository via the Container Registry service in order to host our own Docker images. Open a web browser tab and execute the following instructions:

We then need to create a RAM user in order to let Docker to access to our repository:

RAM web console

We now need to set the Docker password for this RAM user:

If you have Docker installed on your computer, you can test your configuration like this:

Repository addresses

Docker image project

The next step is to create a new GitLab project where we will host our Dockerfile:

Open a terminal on your computer and run:

# Go to the projects directory
cd projects

# Git clone our new project (adapt the URL)
git clone

# Go to the new project folder
cd deployment-toolbox

# Create our Docker image definition file
nano Dockerfile

Copy the following content into the editor:

FROM ubuntu:18.04


# Install OSSFS
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y install gdebi-core wget unzip libssl1.0.0
RUN wget "${OSSFS_VERSION}/ossfs_${OSSFS_VERSION}_ubuntu16.04_amd64.deb"
RUN gdebi -n "ossfs_${OSSFS_VERSION}_ubuntu16.04_amd64.deb"

# Install Terraform
RUN unzip "terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}" -d /usr/local/bin/

# Install Packer
RUN unzip "packer_${PACKER_VERSION}" -d /usr/local/bin/

# Install Python packages
RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip
RUN pip3 install -U aliyun-log-python-sdk

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Save and quit by pressing CTRL+X. If you have Docker on your machine, you can test this Dockerfile with the following commands:

# Build the Docker image
docker build -t deployment-toolbox:latest .

# Create a container with our new image
docker run -it deployment-toolbox:latest

The last command executes Bash inside the container. Let’s check that our tools are correctly installed:

# Check OSSFS version
ossfs --version

# Check Terraform version
terraform version

# Check Packer version
packer version

# Check our Python dependency version
pip3 show aliyun-log-python-sdk

# Exit and kill the container

Let’s create the GitLab pipeline definition file:

# Create the pipeline definition file
nano .gitlab-ci.yml

Put the following text into this file:

image: docker:stable

  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/
  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
  REGISTRY_USERNAME: sample-app-gitlab@your-user-id-or-enterprise-alias
  REGISTRY_PASSWORD: your-docker-login-password

  - docker:dind

  - build

  stage: build
    - docker pull $IMAGE_URL:latest || true
    - docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_URL:latest --tag $IMAGE_URL:$CI_PIPELINE_IID --tag $IMAGE_URL:latest .
    - docker push $IMAGE_URL:$CI_PIPELINE_IID
    - docker push $IMAGE_URL:latest

Save and quit with CTRL+X.

Before we commit and push our changes to GitLab, we first need to add new variables:

Let’s commit the changes to GitLab:

# Check the files to commit
git status

# Add the new files
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git add Dockerfile

# Commit and push to GitLab
git commit -m "Create the Dockerfile."
git push origin master

Check your CI/CD pipeline (for the “deployment-toolbox” project) and make sure there is no error.

You can also check on the Container Registry web console that the Docker image has been successfully pushed:

The page should display your image tags:

Repository image tags

Pipeline update

Let’s update our pipeline in order to use our Docker image. Open your terminal and run:

# Go to the web application project folder
cd ~/projects/todolist

# Remove the tool installation scripts
rm gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/
rm gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/

# Edit the pipeline definition file
nano .gitlab-ci.yml

Apply the following modifications to this file:

Save and quit with CTRL+X.

Before we commit our changes, we should configure GitLab because our Docker repository is private:

We can now commit the changes:

# Check the files to commit
git status

# Add the modified and deleted files
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git add gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/
git add gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/

# Commit and push to GitLab
git commit -m "Replace the Ubuntu image by our deployment-toolbox."
git push origin master

Check your CI / CD pipeline on GitLab, the “deploy” stage should be slightly faster.


The main reason the deploy stage takes so much time is because of the creation of the VM images. Fortunately this stage can be done in parallel: after we deploy the basis infrastructure (VPC, SLB, …), we can create / update the web application and the certificate manager cloud resources at the same time. Open your terminal and execute the following commands:

# Go to the web application project folder
cd ~/projects/todolist

# Edit the pipeline definition file
nano .gitlab-ci.yml

Let’s start by replacing the deploy stage by deploy_basis and deploy_apps:

  - build
  - quality
  - deploy_basis
  - deploy_apps

Then split the deploy job into 3 blocks:

  stage: deploy_basis
    - "export ENV_NAME=$(./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)"
    - "export SUB_DOMAIN_NAME=$(./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)"
    - "export BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH=/mnt/oss_bucket"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "python3 ./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY $ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY $ALICLOUD_REGION $ENV_NAME"
    - "umount $BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH"
    - "sleep 10"
    - master
    - pre-production
    - production

  stage: deploy_apps
    - "export ENV_NAME=$(./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)"
    - "export BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH=/mnt/oss_bucket"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "umount $BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH"
    - "sleep 10"
    - master
    - pre-production
    - production

  stage: deploy_apps
    - "export ENV_NAME=$(./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)"
    - "export SUB_DOMAIN_NAME=$(./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)"
    - "export BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH=/mnt/oss_bucket"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "./gitlab-ci-scripts/deploy/"
    - "umount $BUCKET_LOCAL_PATH"
    - "sleep 10"
    - master
    - pre-production
    - production

As you can see the deploy_apps stage has 2 jobs: deploy_webapp and deploy_certman. We didn’t change the scripts, just execute them in parallel.

Save the modifications and quit with CTRL+X.

Before we commit we need to modify the GitLab Runner configuration in order to allow it to run multiple jobs at the same time:

Go back to your terminal and commit the changes to GitLab:

# Check the files to commit
git status

# Add the modified file
git add .gitlab-ci.yml

# Commit and push to GitLab
git commit -m "Parallelize deployment."
git push origin master

This time the GitLab pipeline contains 4 stages with 2 parallels jobs for the last one:

GitLab pipeline with jobs running in parallel

As usual, you can now merge the master branch to pre-production, and then pre-production to production.